Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) while conducting six operations across the country managed to recover 131.478 kg drugs worth Rs 180 million and arrested six accused, said an ANF Headquarters spokesman here on Thursday. He informed that 84 heroin-filled capsules were recovered from the stomach of a passenger going to Jeddah through Islamabad International Airport. In second operation, 96 kg heroin was recovered from uninhabited areas of Mastung and Saifullah in Balochistan.
3.6 kg opium and 21.6 kg hashish were recovered from secret cavities of a vehicle intercepted near M-1 Motorway Islamabad and two suspects were arrested.6 kg heroin was recovered from a vehicle near a bus stop on Srinagar Highway Rawalpindi and two suspects arrested during the operation. In sixth operation, 3.6 kg hashish was recovered from a suspect near Sangjani Toll Plaza Islamabad.Cases have been registered against the arrested suspects under the Narcotics Control Act and further investigations are under process.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)