Traders representative Ajmal Bloach asks local administration to de-seal Centaurs Mall at onceBreaking

October 14, 2022

President, All Pakistan Traders Association Ajmal Baloch blamed that the attitude of the Islamabad administration in general and of the deputy commissioner (DC) in particular is quite inappropriate with the local traders. Addressing a press conference along with traders representatives, Ajmal said that the arrogant conduct of the DC with the business community is intolerable and he should be removed from his office without any delay. He warned of a forceful resistance if any attempt is made to arrest any trader in connection with the fire incident, without any reason.

He demanded free hand to the traders to carry out business activities with peace of mind. He made it clear that the business community will not pay new taxes being imposed on them unethically. The traders leaders said that the administration of the Centaurs Mall taking prompt action and evacuated the people after the inferno erupted from the kitchen of a food outlet in the mall which is highly laudable, but regretted that despite no one was hurt in the incident the mall had been sealed without any reason and FIR has been registered, unfairly. He demanded de-sealing of the Centaurs Mall forthwith.

He warned of besieging the DC office if a bid is made to arrest anyone in connection with the fire incident in the mall and the traders will resort to stage sit-in there and further announced to resort to shutter down of the business centres. He asked the federal capital administration to avoid harassing traders by slapping section 144 against the traders if they wanted to arrest the PTI chairman Imran Khan or someone else. Ajmal Baloch demanded of the Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah to look into the matter sympathetically and redress the demands of the traders community.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP