Ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionists, Iranian President Raisi join hands against IsraelBreaking

September 21, 2023

Two members of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta haredi group called on Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Raisi entered a corridor amid security men, was greeted by an ultra-orthodox anti-Zionist Jew leader, and said, "I have heard that there are anti-Zionist Jews here and this is a great thing. We always reiterate the fact that we have no issue whatsoever with the Jewish faith, with the Torah, and in Iran, the Jews have freedom of religion. Our only issue is with the Zionists.” Raisi reiterated Iran's state policy that he is against oppression, regardless of whether it comes from Jews, Christians, or Muslims. He said the biggest argument is, "That's why we never recognized the members of ISIS as Muslims."

 "Today the Zionists wish to discredit the Jewish faith but we draw a clear distinction between Zionism and the Jewish faith and your work in which you announce that 'we are Jewish, yet we are against Zionists' that is something to be commended," the Iranian president added. The Jewish members of Neturei Karta commented: "We found that throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they respected and protected the Jewish community till today and you're only distinguishing that Zionism has nothing to do with the religion and the occupation is unacceptable." Who are Neturei Karta Haredi? Neturei Karta means guardian of the city and group descended from Hungarian Jews that settled in Jerusalem's Old City.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)