Speakers urge world community to help stop HR abuses by India in IIOJKBreaking

November 17, 2022

Speakers at a conference organized on the Kashmir dispute in the European Parliament have urged the international community, especially the European Union, to play an effective role in ending human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The conference was organized by the Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) during its ongoing activities in connection with the Kashmir EU Week at the European Headquarters in Brussels.

The events of Kashmir EU Week in Brussels, which include a photo exhibition on Kashmir, an international conference, a press conference and several meetings with key European representatives and personalities on the Kashmir dispute, began with the opening of the photo exhibition on Kashmir on Monday. International affairs experts, intellectuals, scholars, students and media personalities participated in the conference held at the European Parliament.

European intellectual and writer Endre Barcs admitted that the way Europe has supported the people of Ukraine after the Russian invasion the European authorities have not treated the people of IIOJ. He said as the European officials are speaking about the Ukrainian issue, they should also speak for the rights of the Kashmiris.

Another European intellectual and journalist Mikulas Krivansky described the struggle of Kashmiris as admirable and he especially praised the ongoing efforts of the Kashmir Council EU in Europe to highlight the Kashmir dispute. Other speakers included Ali Raza Syed, the chair of KC-EU, Chaudhry Khalid Mehmood Joshi, President of World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance Europe, and Rao Mustajab, a Pakistani intellectual based in Belgium.

The speakers of the conference expressed concern over the ongoing Indian atrocities in IIOJK and demanded an end to these atrocities. On this occasion, Chairman of Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed said this conference is a part of ongoing Kashmir EU Week under the auspices of Kashmir Council EU, which aims to highlight the Kashmir dispute more and more in Europe.


Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP