Russia rejects US resolution labeling its actions in Ukraine as GenocideBreaking

December 08, 2022

Russia has rejected the US Senate resolution labeling Moscow actions in Ukraine as genocide and considers it a distortion of facts, the Russian embassy in the United States said on Thursday. On Wednesday, US Senate Foreign Relations Committee communications director Juan Pachon told Sputnik that the US Senate had approved a symbolic resolution that designated Russia actions in Ukraine as genocide. We categorically reject the accusations contained in the resolution of the commission of the upper house of Congress that Russia actions in Ukraine constitute genocide.

Such insinuations are outright distortions of facts, the Russian embassy said on Telegram. The statement also said that the US government long turned into an assembly line for replicating anti-Russian initiatives and that Washington appeared unthinking about how its effort to keep the war to the last Ukrainian would affect European and global security.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP