Revocation of Articles 370, 35A aims at settling outsiders in IIOJK: ReportBreaking

April 06, 2023

The main purpose of Articles 370 and 35A revocation by the Modi regime is to settle outsiders in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and annihilate the Kashmiris’ identity. An analytical report released by Kashmir Media Service said that Modi was imposing a systematic demographic change in the Muslim majority territory by selling land to outsiders.It said 185 outsiders have bought land in IIOJK in the last three years and the Modi regime has also admitted it in the parliament. Allotting the land of Kashmiris to the Indian citizens and investors is aimed at settling outsiders in the name of investment, it deplored.

The report said Indian authorities have, so far, issued lakhs of domicile certificates, mostly to non-locals, in IIOJK and is putting up the territory for sale to change its demography, identity and culture. On the other hand, it said the IIOJK people are deprived of jobs and other opportunities in their own land.

It said the people of the territory must resist Modi’s plans to change the demographic composition of the Muslim-majority region as altering IIOJK’s demography is also in violation of the United Nations resolutions and international laws. The report urged the world community to stop the Modi regime from altering the demographic composition of the Muslim majority in the occupied territory.

Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP