Posters expressing solidarity with jailed Kashmiris appear in SrinagarBreaking

December 05, 2022

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, posters appeared in Srinagar expressing solidarity with five persons, who were recently awarded life imprisonment by a court of India’s notorious National Investigation Agency (NIA) in New Delhi. A special court of NIA recently sentenced five innocent Kashmiris Meraaj-ud-Din Chopan, Sajjad Ahmad Khan, Bilal Ahmad Mir, Muzaffar Ahmad Butt and Ishfaq Ahmad Butt to life imprisonment in a false case registered against them. The posters, pasted on walls, pillars and poles in different areas of Srinagar areas, were displayed by Wariseen Shuhada-e-Jammu and Kashmir bearing slogans like “Kashmir banega Pakistan” and “Sacrifices of Kashmiris will not go waste”.

The posters demanded release of all illegally detained Kashmiris including Hurriyat leaders and activists languishing in different jails of IIOJK and India. They reminded the United Nations that it must implement its relevant resolutions to settle the lingering Kashmir dispute. The posters conveyed a message to India that the Kashmiris will never surrender before its state terrorism and will continue their struggle for right to self- determination till complete success.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP