India has turned IIOJK into a abattoir: G A GulzarBreaking

July 22, 2023

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Vice Chairman, Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar, has said that India has turned illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir into an abattoir where Indian troops are spilling the blood of innocent Kashmiris with impunity to victimize them for challenging illegal occupation of their homeland by India. Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar in a statement in Srinagar deploring the ongoing genocidal campaign in IIOJK said India has soaked the territory into the blood of its innocent youth and hardly any day passes when blood thirsty troops do not kill Kashmiris. “The recent killing of eight innocent youth in fake encounters in three days is a glaring example that Indian forces are engaged in systematic genocide of Kashmiris. This ethnic cleansing is aimed to turn Kashmir into a graveyard, kill all Kashmiris, usurp their land, settle non-Kashmiris in the disputed territory and change its demography,” he said.

The APHC leader said the killing of Kashmiris is the official policy of India and its trigger-happy troops are murdering the innocent in the occupied territory for rewards and promotions. He pointed out that over one million troops enjoying sweeping powers under draconian law Armed Forces Special Powers Act have been given license to kill the Kashmiris.

Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar while paying rich tributes to the Kashmiris who recently fell to the Indian bullets maintained that the mission of the Kashmiri martyrs will be accomplished at all costs. He said the youth who laid their lives for great cause of freedom are the heroes of Kashmiri people, who are indebted to those brave souls. He said that India’s Hindutva forces were hell bent to impose their ideology and culture in occupied Kashmir but the Kashmiris will resist them tooth and nail.

The APHC leader said the Kashmiris’ passion for freedom is undefeatable, and they will never bow down before Indian slavery. He vowed that the mission of the martyrs will be taken to its logical conclusion and the day is not far when the Kashmiri people will get rid of Indian subjugation.

Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar also expressed concern over the massive search operations and house raids being carried out by Indian forces and dreaded investigative agencies across occupied Kashmir. He also condemned the random arrest of innocent people in concocted cases, saying that the Kashmiris cannot be intimidated through such brutalities. He appealed to the international community to shun its criminal silence and hold India accountable for its crimes in the occupied territory.

Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP