IEA committed to ensure people’s security, prosperity countrywideBreaking

September 23, 2023

The Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs of the Islamic Emirate Mawlavi Abdul Salam Hanafi, met with a number of officials and Mujahideen of Faryab and Ghor provinces, his office said in a statement. Speaking on behalf of others deputy governor of Ghor Mawlavi Tariqat and Ghorsheed Ahmad police in charge of Faryab briefed the deputy PM about the security and social situation of the provinces, the statement said. “With the takeover of the country by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEAs), the occupation ended, countrywide security has been ensured, and the ground has been paved for the country’s economic development, the statement quoted them as saying.

They asked the IEA’s leadership to pay serious attention to the reconstruction of transportation roads and the extraction of mines. Deputy Prime Minister Mawlavi Abdul Salam Hanafi said that the Islamic Emirate has always been committed to provide countrywide security and create prosperity for the people and does not spare any efforts in this regard, the statement added. He said that the leadership of the Islamic Emirate is always trying to identify and solve people’s problems, considering the possibilities they have.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)