France to ban wearing abaya in schoolsBreaking

August 28, 2023

Students will no longer be allowed to wear abayas in France, a type of loose-fitting robe worn by Muslim women, in state-run schools starting from September 4 when the new school year begins. This decision is a part of France’s existing rule against showing religious symbols in government buildings and state schools. The rule to not wear a headscarf in state schools has been in place since 2004. France’s Education Minister Gabriel Attal explained that the new rule about abayas is to ensure that students’ religions aren’t easily identifiable just by looking at them when they are in the classroom.

He believes that schools should be a place where all students can focus on their studies without feeling the need to show their religious beliefs. This change has come after many discussions about whether students should be allowed to wear abayas in French schools. Different political groups have different opinions about this. Some right-wing parties have supported a ban on abayas, while left-leaning groups have been concerned about the rights of Muslim women and girls. The minister stressed that secularism means that school should be a place where students can learn and grow without any religious pressure. He considers the wearing of abayas as a religious action that challenges the idea of schools being free from religious influence.

 Before schools open after the summer break, the Education Minister plans to give clear guidelines at the national level regarding this rule. France has had rules against showing religious signs in schools for a long time, even from the 19th Century. These rules were originally put in place to prevent any one religion from influencing public education. Over time, the rules have been updated to include items like the Muslim headscarf and the Jewish kippa, but up until now, abayas haven’t been directly banned.

 Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)