Tunnel farming sets the trend in PakistanBreaking

December 11, 2023

In a significant shift towards sustainable and efficient agriculture, tunnel farming is gaining a remarkable momentum across Pakistan, as it boosts per-acre yield, cuts the production costs and helps in off-season production. Talking to WealthPK, Dr Muhammad Adnan Aslam, a Scientific Officer at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), said the farmers were increasingly adopting this innovative technique, transforming the traditional landscape of cultivation and ushering in a new era of productivity. "The rising popularity of tunnel farming can be attributed to several key factors, including increased crop yield, water conservation, and protection from unpredictable weather patterns. In a country where agriculture is a cornerstone of the economy, such advancements hold the promise of mitigating the challenges faced by the farmers.

"One of the primary advantages of tunnel farming is its ability to extend the growing season. By providing a sheltered environment, the farmers can cultivate crops throughout the year, irrespective of external weather conditions. This not only ensures a more consistent and reliable harvest but also enables the diversification of crops, leading to enhanced food security," he said. "Water scarcity is a pressing issue in many parts of Pakistan, and tunnel farming has emerged as a water-efficient solution. The controlled environment reduces water evaporation, and precise irrigation systems can be implemented to optimize water usage. As a result, tunnel farming not only conserves water but also addresses the concerns related to soil degradation and salinity.

"Adoption of tunnel farming is not limited to a specific region, with farmers from Punjab to Sindh embracing this technique. Recognizing the potential benefits, the government is also taking steps to promote tunnel farming through awareness campaigns and financial incentives. "Vegetables are in high demand throughout the year. By using modern cultivation methods during the off-season, the farmers can command high prices for their produce. The emergence of techniques like tunnel technology, which controls temperature and humidity to grow vegetables under specific conditions, allows for vegetable cultivation outside of the traditional growing season. Growing vegetables year-round allows the farmers to maximize yields and profits," he added.

Sharing his success story of tunnel farming, Muhammad Ali, a progressive farmer from Faisalabad, said, "The controlled environment allows me to grow high-value crops, such as tomatoes and strawberries, throughout the year. This has significantly increased my income and reduced the risks associated with traditional farming." "Experts believe that the surge in tunnel farming reflects a broader trend towards sustainable agriculture practices in Pakistan. As climate change poses challenges to the traditional farming methods, innovative solutions like tunnel farming become crucial to ensuring food security and economic stability," he said.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)