Lithium-rich pyroxene deposits promise Pakistan a fortuneBreaking

November 27, 2023

Pakistan has vast deposits of pyroxene and its associated minerals awaiting exploration and their export in finished form, said Abdul Bashir, Chief Geologist at Balochistan-based company ‘Koh-e-Daleel Minerals (Pvt) Ltd’, in an interview with WealthPK. “Pyroxene is widely used in architecture, and its associated minerals offer a window of opportunity for extraction of economic benefits. The export of value-added pyroxene will fetch a fortune for the state coffers,” he said.

“Pyroxene is a rock-forming ferromagnesium or inosilicate mineral, unique in luster and beauty. It occurs mostly in many metamorphic and igneous rocks. Some lava from the earth consists of granite and some of pyroxene. Quartz and feldspars occur with granite, while black rocks and olivine are associated with pyroxene. Diopside, Spodumene, and Jadeite are a few more examples used as gem materials due to their mesmerizing colors.

“Pyroxene is rarely found in its purest form. If it adopts the form of a crystal, it can be of gem quality. Beautiful artefacts are also crafted out of black pyroxene. It is mostly used as a dimension or crushed stone. Some pyroxenes contain lithium. It is also found in a fibrous form called ‘wollastonite’ used as an alternative to asbestos,” he said. In Pakistan, it is found in sizeable quantities in Chagai, Wad, Ras Koh, Waziristan, Landi Kotal, and Parachinar. Most of its deposits are in the form of large mountain ranges. Areas of Kalat, Khanozai, Muslim Bagh, Zhob, Waziristan, and Khuzdar form a belt in which pyroxene mountains occur. Black pyroxene rocks are also found in Northern Areas.

Bashir added that the global demand for dimension stones is growing and Pakistan should attract investors for exploiting pyroxene and setting up value-addition units. Many associative minerals of pyroxene like jadeite are in high demand in a few countries like China. Joint ventures in this regard will not only help create more work opportunities but also strengthen the mining sector. Pyroxene is used in a variety of industrial applications. It is used to produce abrasives for blast cleaning, and ceramics. Some of its associated minerals are used as refractory liners. It is also used for extraction of lithium, which has a huge market of vast commercial uses in itself.

Pyroxene market is expected to reach USD170.37 million at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.54% by the year 2032 from USD104.54 million in 2022. The government must focus on exploiting the vast deposits of pyroxene for a prosperous future. To establish a sound industry related to its value addition, Pakistan can also seek the Chinese coordination.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)