Experts stress compliance with international shipping protocols for robust free tradeBreaking

March 11, 2024

Compliance with established international shipping protocols is vital for upholding the principles of free trade agreements, stress experts. “These agreements are designed to reduce tariffs, eliminate trade barriers, and create a favourable environment for commerce. However, any deviation from established shipping protocols and deliberate spread of misinformation regarding shipments not only erodes trust but also fuels geopolitical tensions, hindering efforts toward economic cooperation and mutual prosperity,” said Imtiaz Ali, Executive Director at the Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS). Talking to WealthPK, he condemned the recent incident involving the seizure of commercial equipment en route from China to Pakistan. He said Pakistan and China had also rejected the Indian assertions regarding the seized commercial equipment and condemned India's actions as unwarranted interference into free trade and a blatant violation of international norms.

“This incident exemplifies the potential consequences of disregarding the shipment code of conduct. The use of false narratives and concocted incidents suggests a strategic approach by India to discredit Pakistan and advance its agenda,” Ali said, adding that it was imperative for all countries involved to uphold the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, and fairtrade practices to ensure the continued success of free trade agreements and foster a conducive environment for economic growth and development. He added that India perceived the deepening friendship and cooperation between Pakistan and China as a challenge to its regional influence. “As a result, it resorts to employing covert and manipulative tactics to undermine this partnership.” Talking to WealthPK, Jawad Akhtar, Adviser Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, said India had recently detained a merchant ship for a certain period, which can be construed as a form of coercion. He explained that in situations where there was suspicion regarding a ship, authorities might instruct relevant agencies to temporarily detain the vessel for inspection.

“This standard protocol involves coordinated efforts to assess the situation and ascertain an appropriate response. Such measures are integral to civil defence planning, aimed at promptly addressing any potential risks or hazards.” Akhtar elaborated that in matters of maritime security, entities like the Maritime Security Agency of Pakistan and the Indian Coast Guard engage in dialogue through established hotlines to address concerns regarding the security and safety of ports and harbours. “However, in the recent incident, the situation is being manipulated to undermine Pakistan's credibility, relying entirely on falsehoods and propaganda,” he said, and maintained that instances of such actions had persisted, akin to the dynamics witnessed during the Cold War between the United States and Russia. He further said that the issue with Indian media was their propensity to fabricate narratives and construct their version of events.

“The Indian government has recently amplified its efforts to tarnish Pakistan's global reputation. Employing a deliberate campaign of disinformation, India aims to vilify Pakistan and sway public opinion for political purposes. Three recent incidents served as prime illustrations of India's agenda, wherein it has unhesitatingly accused Pakistan without presenting significant evidence,” he said. “The recent interception by India of a ship bound for Pakistan from China at Mumbai's Nhava Sheva port, suspected of carrying dual-use consignments for Islamabad's nuclear and ballistic missile programme, marks the latest development in its disinformation campaign,” he added.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)