Expert emphasizes indigenous extraction of REEsBreaking

January 13, 2024

Pakistan abounds in rare earth elements (REEs), but unfortunately, no proper effort has ever been made for their exploitation in order to cut the huge sums of foreign exchange spent on the import of related compounds, mixtures, or residues. Chief Geologist of Koh-e-Daleel Minerals Company (Pvt) Ltd Abdul Bashir said this while speaking to WealthPK. “In order to develop the domestic capability for their extraction, it is important to first scientifically explore all the ores containing REEs followed by a proper mapping, planning, exploration strategies, processing, initialization, and infrastructure,” he said. REEs are found in different rock formations in varying quantities. The chances of their occurrence in igneous rock formations are broader. The geological environment in the ophiolite and ferro magnesium minerals-bearing Raskoh mountain range and Axial belt in Balochistan strongly indicates their presence. The axial belt comprises areas including Wad, Kalat, Khuzdar, Khanozai, Qila Saifullah, Muslim Bagh, and Waziristan. All the areas from where the axial belt passes in Pakistan can be considered rich in REEs. REEs is a group of 17 known elements. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, many of the discovered ores containing them are not even properly mined for extraction.

Mostly, REE-bearing minerals are exported in raw form without any indication of other associated elements. For example, igneous and metamorphic rocks bearing bastnaesite and monazite occur as large deposits in Pakistan. They are the principal ores of a lot of REEs like cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), lutetium (Lu), thulium (Tm), and yttrium (Y). A few of these elements also occur in the placer deposits. In other countries, the same minerals are further processed and all the minerals, including the trace elements, are extracted. They are sold in the market at high rates. Pakistan buys the same products in value-added form or in form of compounds and mixtures, causing a great loss to the foreign exchange. REEs are crucial for production of a variety of pharmaceutical, industrial, and strategic applications. No proper effort has ever been made for their exploration, as the country lacks a proper machinery, plant, or smelter for their extraction. Concluding the discussion, Bashir said there was a dire need to explore and target the exact number of spots, where the REEs could be found. China has marvellous technology and Pakistan must seek their cooperation and help in this respect which will help build a stronger and prosperous Pakistan.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)