Chinese tech to help Pakistani honey fetch good price internationallyBreaking

January 15, 2024

Pakistan is home to quality honey of myriad varieties and tastes, but it undersells in the international market due to a lack of quality certification and advanced technology, Moazzam Ghurki, President of Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI), told WealthPK. He said a kilo of Pakistani honey fetched just US$20 to US$25 in the international market, which could be increased to US$100 per kg through quality certifications. He explained that New Zealand had four different quality certifications for its honey exports and earned handsomely, while in Pakistan’s case, there was a need for modern or upgraded labs, large-scale processing units, advanced filtration technology, proper packaging, and strategic marketing.

Talking to WealthPK, PCJCCI Senior Vice President Fang Yulong said, “Chinese honey processing and value-addition companies are keen to share their technology with the Pakistani experts and fellows involved in this business. The said technology is related to honey raw material processing, filtration, sterilization, and moisture control. Joint ventures between Pakistani and Chinese honey production companies can establish a way toward a large agri-industrial segment”. Honey is widely used in many industrial purposes related to culinary, beverages, processed food, health, and personal care products.

The international honey market was valued at US$8.58 billion in 2021. It reached US$9.03 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to US$12.09 billion by the year 2030 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2%. Pakistan must focus on modern honeybee-keeping methods and honey-processing techniques. Proper policies for certification and export of quality honey are essential for Pakistan. Pakistan can get technical assistance from China for this important industrial segment. The main reason is that China excels in honey bee farming, processing, and value-addition techniques. It is also one of the world’s largest honey-producing and exporting countries.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)