Bastnasite exploration to help cut bill for import of REEsBreaking

January 24, 2024

The Government of Pakistan needs to focus on indigenous exploration, extraction and processing of bastnasite in order to cut the wastage of money spent on the import of rare earth elements (REEs). Chief Geologist at Balochistan-based ‘Koh-e-Daleel Minerals Company (Pvt) Ltd’ Abdul Bashir told WealthPK. Bastnasite is one of the principal ores for extraction of a few of REEs. Describing geological facts related to exploring bastnaesite, he said it was one of the most commonly occurring REEs on the planet. It is found in metamorphic zones; carbonatite and associated fenite; alkaline granite, alkaline syenite and their associated pegmatite rocks. Its other allied REEs-bearing minerals are tysonite, cerite, and allanite. Often, it is an alteration of tysonite. It is a fluoro-carbonate mineral and contains a high concentration of valuable REEs – fluoride, carbonate of cerium, and a few other REEs including lanthanide metals. Sometimes, it is associated with zinc. Ranging from waxy honey yellow to reddish brown hues, bastnaesite belongs to the ditrigonal dipyramid crystal class with a hexagonal crystal system. Its lustre is vitreous and greasy in nature ranked between 4 and 5 on the Mohs’ scale of hardness with a specific gravity between 4.95 and 5.0. The geological environment strongly indicates the presence of bastnaesite in the areas occurring in the melange linked axial belt.

The prominent areas occurring in the said belt are Wad, Khuzdar, Muslim Bagh areas of Balochistan up to the Waziristan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province. Zagi mountain in KP is also considered as a place rich in high quality bastnasite deposits. He said there were bastnaesite-rich areas in Balochistan. Huge deposits are also expected in the eastern parts of Chagai (igneous granitic rocks are in abundance there) and the Ras Koh mountain range (rich area in alkaline granitic rocks, marble/ lime stone). “There is need for a brief survey and scientific exploration of bastnaesite in all the previously mentioned areas. It is vital to strengthen Pakistan in industrial and strategic aspects. Resource assessment is also important for estimating the quantity, quality, and viability of extraction.” Bastnaesite is crucial for a variety of industrial and strategic applications – production of REEs, speaker magnets, vibration motors in mobile phones and likely devices, and microphones. Healers also use its crystals to soothe many human ailments. The international REEs market is expected to grow to US$14.6 billion by the year 2033 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.1% from US$5.6 billion. Every new mining product brings a new chain of trade, business, and work opportunities. The policymakers in Pakistan must focus on extracting REEs-bearing ores, including bastnaesite, which will not only strengthen the economy but also make the mineral sector more sustainable and productive.

Credit: Independent News Pakistan (INP)