
Trained workforce key to unlocking Pakistan’s mining sector potential

March 10, 2025

Faiza Tehseen

To unlock the potential of Pakistan’s mining sources, a well-trained workforce skilled in modern technologies is essential for improving efficiency and ensuring ecological safety and sustainability.

"The mining industry is an increasingly critical driver of broader industrial innovation and development. Pakistan will have to do away with the conventional labour and mining techniques, and will have to apply the approaches that are not only time-saving but also high-yielding and profit-oriented,” said Muhammad Yousuf, a mining engineer.

Speaking to WealthPK, he highlighted the need for a trained mining labour force in Pakistan. “Despite its great mining potential, Pakistan is facing the issue of untrained conventional labour in the mining sector. This is a key factor behind low outcrop yields and significant waste of mining materials.

In addition to regulatory bottlenecks, outdated mining techniques and conventional labour are causing cost hikes, unsustainability, and ecological damages,” said Yousuf, who is also general secretary of the Institute of Mining Engineers Pakistan and Chairman of the Asia Business Forum for Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

He said that a trained mining workforce can use advanced mining technologies, including sensors, automation, and safety equipment to optimise mining processes. Yousuf said, “The mining and quarrying sector contributes around 1.6% to national GDP, which is far below its true potential. The main cause is the lack of smart technology and applications.

A well-trained force equipped with modern instruments can make a difference with enhanced efficiency.” He said that a comprehensive policy roadmap emphasising the training of workforce and the use of modern equipment is direly needed. Yousaf said: “Globally, mining companies are fast adopting technologies with significant uptake in connected work solutions for enhanced efficiency and security, thus reducing environmental footprints.

The companies are also equipping the workforce with smart gadgets and relevant trainings.” He said that China has fully automated its mining sector with its miners well-versed in modern training. “Pakistan can get Chinese expertise to train its workforce.” Talking to WealthPK, Imran Babar, a geologist and miner from Balochistan, said: “Pakistan’s great mining outcrop potential is untapped because of conventional workforce and outdated equipment.

Training both new and existing workers in modern techniques is crucial for the sector’s advancement. This will enhance their performance and make the mining sector more sustainable and environment-friendly.”

Credit: INP-WealthPk