
Policymakers urged to tap minerals for raw material used in drugs

September 19, 2024

Faiza Tehseen

The policymakers need to exploit minerals for the raw material used in manufacturing of various drugs.

Talking to WealthPK, Abdul Bashir, chief geologist with a Balochistan-based exploration firm, Koh-e-Daleel Minerals Private Limited, said, “Pakistan possesses rich mineral potential, but extracting medicines from them has not been given attention. A variety of minerals used for pharmaceutical purposes abundantly occur in Pakistan. They can be tapped into for raw material used in manufacturing of drugs.” The geologist said medicines produced by using the mineral sources include calcium carbonate, silicon dioxide, selenium, ferumoxytol, potassium chloride, potassium cation, calcium, magnesium oxide, magnesium cation, iron, zinc, iodine, potassium iodide, chromic chloride, copper, zinc sulphate, magnesium chloride, and calcium gluconate. “Calcium carbonate is mined from limestone and ground in different grades for coatings. Precipitated calcium carbonate keeps more finer particle size for smooth and high gloss formulations. Silicon dioxide is mostly obtained by mining, placer deposits, and quartz purification. Selenium is one of the sulfide minerals, commonly occurring in the porphyry copper deposits.

It can also be obtained as a by-product of copper refining. Anode slime generated from electrolytic copper production is also a source to extract selenium,” the geologist explained. He further explained that hematite, magnetite, limonite and siderite were the most important ores for iron extraction. “Potassium chloride is extracted from minerals, including carnallite, potash and sylvite. It can also be extracted by roasting the feldspar with calcium carbonate and calcium chloride.” Bashir continued, “Calcium can be extracted from a variety of minerals that occur commonly and can be mined anywhere. Mostly dolomite, limestone and gypsum are considered the principal sources for obtaining calcium. Some other calcium bearing minerals are anhydrite (calcium sulphate), aragonite (calcite) or calcium carbonate, and gypsum (hydrated calcium sulphate).” The mineral expert said that chalcopyrite and similar sulphides were the most common copper ores.

“Fluorite, zinc blende or zinc sulphide and chromite are also important industrial ores used for medicinal purposes as well. Iodide minerals are the main source for obtaining iodine, which can also be sourced from the natural brine deposits, and brackish water of oil or salt wells.” The mining expert said all these minerals abundantly occur in Pakistan, and called for their systematic mining. Highlighting the importance of adding value to the minerals for pharmaceutical use, Imran Babar, a geologist and miner, told WealthPK that a good number of miners were not aware of the true uses of minerals in different industrial sectors. “So, an awareness campaign needs to be launched in this regard.” He called for sensitising the investors to the importance of value addition, and provision of incentives like easy loans, subsidies, trainings and equipment for tapping these minerals.

Credit: INP-WealthPk