
Placer gold deposits: Pakistan lacks smart exploration techniques

October 16, 2024

Faiza Tehseen

Pakistan is rich in placer gold and some other precious and semi-precious minerals but their exact potential has never been identified due to the lack of smart exploration techniques, said Abdul Bashir, Chief Geologist at Balochistan-based exploration firm Koh-e-Daleel Minerals Private Limited, in an exclusive interview with WealthPK. He said the country is washing its hand of a huge source of revenue due to the lack of systematic exploration and mining of mineral-rich placer deposits. Several research studies have been conducted but no focus has been placed on determining the true potential of these deposits. “Some provinces are rich in placer gold deposits and a few other precious and semi-precious minerals. Bagrot valley in Gilgit Baltistan (GB), and Kund, Alladher, and Beka, located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) also have significant gold concentrates. Khairabad–Nizampur transect in KP, a part of the Indus suture zone, is reputed for its mineral potential. Gold concentration in placers has been identified here.”

“With modern but smart exploration techniques, the immense potential of these placer deposits can be identified through geophysical and geochemical surveys. It will help mark the promising places rich in gold and other minerals. Insufficient funding and lack of mechanization, expertise and skilled labour can be considered as backlashes in this mining segment,” he added. Abdul Bashir said, “Placer gold and other minerals’ extraction industry faces challenges like the absence of proper regulations, mafias, lack of expertise and knowledge to identify other important ores, conventional methods of panning, and rudimentary tools. All these inefficiency factors lead to the low recovery rates. “Such practices have also disturbed the river ecosystems. Generous use of mercury and other harmful chemicals and improper dredging are also spoiling the environment, ecology, and human health. A systematic approach is needed to address these issues.” Placer gold deposits signify a valuable but untapped resource.

A well-weaved policy framework and proper investment can make Pakistan a major player in the region, added Abdul Bashir. Talking to WealthPK, gemstone exporter, miner and gemmologist Zakirullah alias Jhulay Lal said, “It is crucial for Pakistan and the mining sector as well to go for systematic extraction of placer gold deposits, including the other minerals. Mostly, the locals are attached with this industry. It is like a small and medium scale enterprise, but they need further awareness and training to extract other minerals as well.” To improve the mining sector, it is necessary to focus on this segment of mining. Thousands of people are involved in this segment and they only earn through the placer deposits. With the right attention, this part of the sector can become a proper engine for revenue generation and a source of sustainable livelihoods. Only systematic operations may lead to the said goal, added Jhulay Lal.

Credit: INP-WealthPk