
Online marketing reshapes furniture industry in Pakistan

September 27, 2024

Kanwal Naseer

The rise of e-commerce in recent years has significantly reshaped the retail business, including the furniture market. As more consumers turn to online shopping, the process of buying furniture has evolved in fascinating and innovative ways, transforming everything from product selection to delivery methods, reports WealthPK. This shift not only enhances convenience but also expands options for buyers, making the furniture purchasing experience more dynamic than ever before. Speaking with WealthPK, Rana Waheed, Vice President of the Pakistan Furniture Association, said, "An online marketplace offers a much wider variety of furniture compared to most physical stores, making it easier for consumers to find the perfect item. This shift [to online furniture shopping] has profoundly transformed the industry, changing how people search for, compare, and purchase their furnishings." He added that lifestyle changes and higher disposable incomes were expected to increase the demand for stylish furniture.

These factors indicate that buyers are becoming increasingly interested in products that enhance the aesthetic appeal of their living spaces. During a conversation with WealthPK, Rana Waheed provided insights into the furniture industry's significant transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. He explained how the pandemic shifted consumer behavior towards online shopping, which has changed the landscape for both customers and retailers. "After COVID, we saw a rapid expansion of the online furniture market. Many customers who were initially hesitant about online shopping have now embraced it as the primary and convenient way to buy furniture. Online purchasing has become the norm rather than a passing trend." E-commerce is a powerful driver of industrial growth, creating new opportunities for businesses by allowing them to connect with customers beyond traditional methods. This expansion not only boosts sales for individual companies but also contributes to overall economic growth. “The younger generation is a key factor in the shift toward online marketplaces.

These consumers are not only more familiar with technology but are also more comfortable making purchases online. They are highly informed about their options," he said. "Young buyers tend to do extensive research before making a purchase, comparing prices, reading reviews, and exploring various styles and brands online. This informed approach influences their purchasing decisions, pushing retailers to improve quality and transparency." "E-commerce has completely changed the playing field for furniture retailers. Online platforms allow businesses to reach a broader audience, making it easier for consumers to explore various options from the comfort of their homes,” he added. Zahid Hussain, Chairman of the Pakistan Furniture Association, told WealthPK that the growth of the online furniture industry is undeniable, opening new doors for manufacturers and retailers to reach more customers and expand their product lines. However, these opportunities alone are not enough. “I believe the furniture industry can be developed and promoted in both rural and urban settings.

There is significant potential. By focusing on these areas, we can utilize local resources and talent, boosting the economy and creating jobs." “Accessible funding is crucial for businesses to innovate and expand. Additionally, the government should focus on providing land for industrial use, which would greatly benefit our sector,” he noted. Zahid further emphasized, “Cottage industries play a vital role in our economy. If the government allocates land for these businesses, it can help them thrive. Establishing dedicated industrial zones would provide better infrastructure and resources, enabling these smaller operations to contribute more effectively to the industry as a whole.” “We have some of the most affordable and skilled labor in the world, along with high-quality wood. These resources give us a competitive edge in the furniture industry. With the right support, we can compete internationally and make a significant impact. What we need now is a commitment from the government to support our industry through meaningful reforms, including investing in training programs to further enhance the skills of our workforce and providing incentives for manufacturers to innovate,” he elaborated.

Credit: INP-WealthPk