
Need for dedicated tourism chamber stressed

July 22, 2024

Faiza Tehseen

The establishment of a dedicated chamber of tourism is the need of the hour to attract investment in the tourism sector of Pakistan.

Talking to WealthPK, Aftabur Rahman Rana, Managing Director of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC), said, “For tourism promotion, it is important to conduct proper marketing campaigns and ensure participation of the relevant stakeholders in the international tourism fairs, events, and festivals to draw visitors to help fetch the precious foreign exchange for this important sector of the country’s economy. This can be made possible through setting up a chamber of tourism.” He said that only establishing committees and an office on the premises of any chamber of commerce and industry was not the proper answer to the issues the tourism sector was facing. “Tourism is a large trade and business body, and its real volume demands a proper platform.

Initially, such a platform should be established at the federal level with representation from the provinces. A special club should also be established there with the proper data bank concerning history, culture, services, and all other aspects related to tourism in both printed and soft forms.” Aftab said that the chamber can act as a platform for collaboration among various stakeholders, including tour operators, hoteliers, transport providers, and local governments. “This can lead to the development of comprehensive tourism packages and improvements in the overall tourist experience. It can advocate for policies and regulations that benefit the tourism sector. This might include petitioning for improved infrastructure, better visa policies, and incentives for tourism-related businesses. By showcasing the potential of the tourism sector, the chamber can attract both domestic and international investors.

This can lead to the development of new hotels, resorts, and other tourism-related infrastructure, thereby creating jobs and boosting the local economy.” He said, “By conducting research concerning tourist preferences, trends, and market demands, effective strategies can be adopted. A dedicated chamber can focus on these activities to provide valuable insights for stakeholders. The chamber can organise proper training programmes and workshops to improve the performance and skills of those involved in the tourism sector. This will also improve service quality to ensure that tourists have positive experiences. Establishing a dedicated chamber of tourism can, therefore, play a crucial role in tourism promotion and attracting investment.” He said before establishing the tourism chamber, it was also necessary to bring awareness about its need among the stakeholders.

Credit: INP-WealthPk