
Gwadar local gov't denounces Guardian’s report, reserving the right of lawsuit 

August 26, 2021

ISLAMABAD, Aug. 26 (INP): The Chief of Municipal Committee of Gwadar has issued a clarification letter to condemn a report by the Guardian in which it tried to sabotage the relationship between the Chinese and Pakistani people by spreading “misleading, malicious, and misinterpreted information” that’s against the will of the majority of Gwadar people.

“Your report has damaged our reputation, negatively affect the development of Gwadar and loss has occurred to us thereof. Therefore, we reserve our right to take legal action to protect our action,” the government proclaimed in the letter, according to Gwadar Pro.

“The people of Gwadar are very grateful for the assistance provided by the Chinese government and companies,” it stated, adding that the ongoing projects, such as Gwadar Port and Gwadar Free Zone Development, New International Airport Gwadar, Gwadar Vocational Training Institute, China-Pakistan Friendship Hospital, and many others not only bring immediate employment for the local community but also will improve the poor infrastructure in Gwadar.

According to a report by Gwadar Pro, dating back to 2013, Gwadar Port was on the verge of desolation with obsolete facilities, barely surviving the seaport business. Since China Overseas Port Holding Company (COPHC) took over the port, the infrastructural work has been complete with three 20,000-ton multi-purpose berths and a storage yard of 140,000 square meters.
Besides, the successful operation of Gwadar Port transit trade to Afghanistan lays the foundation for expanding this trade network to Central Asia and Russia.

Gwadar Free Zone has also seen some significant investment and developments in this area lately. More than 40 enterprises involved in hotels, banking, logistics, overseas warehouses, grain and oil processing, and fishery processing have registered at the free zone, bringing in a total investment worth U.S. $90 million.

The thriving port and free zone have driven the infrastructural development of Gwadar city as a whole. For example, the East-Bay Expressway under the CPEC project, linking Gwadar Port with the Mekran Coastal Highway (N-20), will directly take cargoes from the port to M-8 for onward shipment to Karachi and the rest of the country. 94 percent of the work on the six-lane motorway has been completed and would be inaugurated in October this year.

Despite major infrastructural developments, “water and electricity have been an issue due to historical reasons,” the statement pinpointed, “......and, they are not the responsibility of the Chinese at all. Chinese companies have managed to supply 100,000 to 200,000 gallons of water to the local community with their captive water plant.”

What’s more absurd in the Guardian report is, quoting the letter, “the news reporter is trying to find an excuse for ...... the terrorist attack that occurred on August 20, 2021, which is an extremist action against humans and condemned by all the people of Gwadar.”

The report equates terrorist groups to the ordinary people of Gwadar and makes them a representative of the locals, claiming that China’s presence in Gwadar led to great anti-Chinese sentiment and has given a fillip to Baloch militant insurgent groups, while referring to the suicide bomb attack conducted by the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and other tragedies fallen upon Chinese workers this year.
The narratives of the report are nothing short of finding victims, rather than perpetrators, guilty for their behaviors.
As for the alleged accusation of the “Chinese trawlers”, which the western media has been clinging to for months to alienate Chinese from the locals, has been proven time and time again baseless and nothing but a smear.
“Chinese fishing vessels are docked at the anchorage in Gwadar Port for shelter due to Indian Monsoon. It has been checked and shown that no single fish is caught in Pakistan Water,” the statement clarified.
Sources from COPHC told Gwadar Pro that the five Chinese fishing vessels had left Gwadar anchorage on August 25. In a letter of thanks to the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency, Municipal Committee, and Fishery Association, the Chinese company extends sincere thanks to Pakistani authorities and the locals for their help, support, and protection.
“Facing the pressure of false reports by some malicious media that distorts facts, you have offered support and protection for us in food supply and emergent boats repairs and maintenance from the perspective of China-Pakistan friendships. Your kind support and help to lift us out from difficulties are highly appreciated.”