
Ecommerce adds to business success stories in Pakistan

October 14, 2024

Kanwal Naseer

E-commerce has connected start-ups with a broader customer base to sell their products.

Numerous inspiring success stories highlight how start-ups have effectively leveraged e-commerce to scale up operations and transform their businesses, reports WealthPK. Faiza Ahmed, founder of CoppiaArtistry, which specializes in printed bags and cushions, told WealthPK, that, ‘‘As a student of textile and graphic designer, I’ve always had a deep passion for design and art. This inspired me to launch my own business focused on creating printed handbags and cushions. I established an Instagram page to showcase my designs and products. I was surprised when the response was beyond my expectations. I began getting multiple orders for both bags and cushions, which was incredibly exciting and source of motivation for me.’’ ‘‘I also had the opportunity to deliver many products to customers in the UK and Japan. This experience was incredibly thrilling, as it enabled me to connect with a broader audience and share my designs with individuals across different countries. Expanding my customer base internationally has been a rewarding journey, showcasing the appeal of my work beyond the local markets. As a result, I have achieved significant success in my business,” she said.

‘‘All entrepreneurs, regardless of their background, should chase their dream and develop a passion for what they do. E-commerce marketplaces provide an accessible platform for anyone to start a business and showcase their products, requiring minimal investment and allowing for exposure not just in local markets but also globally,’’ she said. Talking to WealthPK, Islamabad Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry founder Samina Fazil said, ‘‘The future of start-ups in Pakistan looks bright. The country has a large, young, and educated population, many of whom are interested in starting their own businesses. With the rise of e-commerce, starting a business has become much more accessible for these aspiring entrepreneurs. However, there is still a need for a solid strategy to succeed.’’ She said, “IWCCI is recognized as one of the most influential women's chambers in the country, playing a vital role in empowering women through entrepreneurship. Its various initiatives and programs are specifically crafted to support and elevate women in their business.’’

‘‘The current e-commerce landscape has significantly simplified the process for businesses, particularly for women, to launch their ventures from home through social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Many entrepreneurs have achieved a remarkable success by utilizing these channels. Additionally, women in rural areas possess a wealth of talent and creativity. What they need is to be introduced to these digital tools and resources,’’ she said. She added, ‘‘By equipping women with the knowledge and skills needed to manage finances and use of technology, we can significantly enhance their ability to start and sustain businesses. This empowerment not only helps women overcome barriers to entrepreneurship but also fosters economic growth and equality.’’ Samina Fazil emphasized that the success of entrepreneurs depended not only on their skills and qualities but also on the support they receive from the institutions and stakeholders. Therefore, the government should create more programs and events to educate people on how to grow their businesses online and understand the digital landscape better.

Credit: INP-WealthPk