Govt asked to tap rare earth elements for green energy productionBreaking

July 25, 2024

Faiza Tehseen

By exploring rare earth elements (REEs) scientifically, Pakistan can manufacture the equipment to produce green energy, and also export the REE-based value-added products.

“REEs can be used in manufacturing the equipment for solar panels, fuel cells, wind turbines, and electric vehicles. So, REEs are playing a critical role in the modern age. As Pakistan’s energy mix is mostly dominated by fossil fuels, indigenous exploration of REEs will help the country shift to green energy. All these minerals and REEs can best be tapped through sophisticated methods,” stressed Abdul Bashir, chief geologist at Koh-e-Daleel Minerals Private Limited, a Balochistan-based exploration firm. Talking to WealthPK, he said that monazite rock was a critical source rock to extract REEs. “Monazite-bearing rocks are often rich in some other rare elements and heavy mineral concentrates, of which thorium and neodymium are the most prominent. Monazite rocks are igneous in nature belonging to the granite family. Although both these rocks are formed in the same environment, monazite rocks also have a close association with orthoclase, a secondary rock assemblage formed with monazite grains.

The monazite rocks mostly occur in the Chagai and Ras Koh areas of Balochistan and the northern parts of Pakistan.” Bashir continued: “Monazite is a red/green brownish waxy phosphate mineral rich in certain light rare earth elements (LREE) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE). They mostly consist of thorium, neodymium, uranium, cerium, lanthanum, sillimanite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, garnet, gold, and magnetite. Having a variety of minerals, monazite is called a critical source of renewable energy. Among all these elements, at least 10% to 12% thorium occurs in it. So, monazite can be called its principal ore.”  He said that the government must focus on recovering precious minerals/metals/REEs, including monazite, from placers to not only fulfil the local needs but also generate revenues through their trade. “Monazite can be called principal ore of thorium, and being highly radioactive it can replace uranium.

Monazite is a critical source of renewable energy. Other than uranium, thorium occurs three to four times more than it.” Bashir said: “Establishing a proper scientific exploration and processing mechanism will ensure socioeconomic uplift of the people. By doing so, Pakistan can play a key role in the global REE/strategic minerals market. On the other hand, the environmental impacts will also be decreased caused by conventional fuels.” “Monazite is a great source to extract thorium that is widely used to produce power storage batteries, high-performance magnets, and a multitude of smart equipment. This is the main reason that its prices are skyrocketing. So, the government should explore the REEs-bearing places scientifically, and then put in place a framework to ensure their proper extraction,” Imran Babar, miner and geologist, stressed while talking to WealthPK.

Credit: INP-WealthPk